
Color Health Check

Take advantage of Coloro's achievability data for a more responsible color process. 


Anticipating achievability ensures wastage is minimized in the production process, helping the industry create a more sustainable future.



Substrate up

Understand how Coloro and WGSN's forecasted colors translate into Polyester, Nylon, Cotton and Wool for seamless application. Identify challenges before it's too late, you'll never have to drop a color again. 

quality-control (1)


Testing, Testing, Testing.

Coloro’s experts rigorously test colors under all industry fastness and environmental conditions.  From perspiration to chlorine, ensure your product quality from the get-go. 



Cut on costs

Utilizing achievability data ensures your costs go where it matters.

Less dropping colors, more increasing margins. 


Data Upfront
Tried and Tested


Create color, consciously

Understanding if a color is going to work in your product means you'll reduce lab dips, decrease deliveries and cut down on waste, every little helps for a more sustainable future


Download the full color health check for WGSN's palette for A/W 23/24


Fill in the form to download, book a meeting with Coloro and claim your complimentary color health check on your own upcoming palette:

What our clients are saying:

Did you know this?

Even more benefits of working with Coloro:

  • Coloro uses Polyester for our standard, with strong translation to Cotton and Nylon from our core library of 3,500 colors – all colors will match in D65 lighting. 
  • Data readily available for lightfastness in Polyester and Cotton, as well as translation and predicted fastness for Nylon.
  • A readily available database for all 3,500 Polyester standard color to tap into. 
  • Take advantage of global distribution centers to reduce timelines in shipping and cut on costs. 
  • Utilize the same color system as the World's leading trend forecasters for unrivaled trend accuracy. 



View the full suite of Coloro products at